I love Sarah's frown.
It's intense.
Well, it looks like Josiah has inherited that from her.
It was Sunday morning, I was trying to play the Hokie-Pokie with Josiah and he was having nothing to do with it. The more I played with his legs, the deeper the frown became.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Josiah's frown-face
Posted by
carter style
12:09 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Below is a video of Josiah as he is taking a bath. He loves bath time and really kicks and shows lots of expression. It also seems to help him relax and sleep a little bit better.
Posted by
carter style
4:16 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
short clips
Ok so I made a video today without Joel's help!! So here it is...
a short video of a few smiles from Josiah.
Posted by
carter style
3:46 PM
birth video
well, I finally talked Joel into making a video for Josiah's birth. some friends just had their baby and it made me miss being in the hospital. it was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do it all over again. enjoy the video!
Posted by
carter style
1:46 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
first christmas
This will be Josiah's first Christmas and we'll be leaving town early this year to visit family so we decided not to put up a Christmas tree. But our friends put one up and we were over to their house the other night and had a mini photo shoot with Josiah. We got a lot of cute photos but below are just a couple of the great ones. He is getting really good at smiling for the camera.
Posted by
carter style
3:18 PM
This past weekend we had a new front door installed. A few friends came over on Friday morning and spent all day helping to get the door in. The old door was very old, letting tons of cold air in and not very good looking. Below are some photos of the new door and new trim in the living room.

Posted by
carter style
3:14 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
coming soon...
Video clips - we went out and bought a hard drive Sony video camera today. As soon as I learn how to use it and imovie there will be lots of clips for you to view. You'll get to hear Josiah cry, coo, and also watch him smile. Have a great weekend!
Posted by
carter style
5:10 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
baby wise
so josiah really hasn't been on too much of a schedule until last week. i got the book babywise from a friend. numerous people have recommended it and say that it is the best thing ever! the main goal is to get your baby on a routine but yet still be flexible and fit into the parents lifestyle. none of this "child-centered parenting" where the child runs the parents schedule. the best part is we still go out and have fun with friends until all hours of the night or is that morning? the routine is feed, awake, nap. in that specific order is the key. so far it's working great. he's getting closer and closer to having every four hours feedings and he's doing good falling asleep on his own - in his crib. the last few nights he's been only waking up at 3:30 am and having one feeding. i've found that in the evenings he likes to just eat continually, so that's one thing we are working on. but other than that i would say it's working great and would recommend the book to anyone. lots of great tips and interesting concepts.
tonight joel and i sat on the couch with him and sang some songs and talked to him a lot...he really smiled big time and came close to laughing. i think it was the first time he really focused on the both of us. tomorrow we are going to do some research and find the best video camera - hopefully we will have it by the weekend and you'll soon be watching a lot more clips of him on here. time is gone by so fast - i've already got a few outfits that he has grown out of. i'm ready to have another one - yeah i'm crazy - but i'm ready to be pregnant again - maybe not have the baby - just be pregnant.
Posted by
carter style
11:08 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
we got a pirate onsie from sarah and betsy. he's ready to play some dread pirate...all he needs is a patch for his eye.
also, below is a picture of josiah coming in from a long car ride/trip to branson. it was a full day of shopping and eating pizza.
Posted by
carter style
4:38 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
big smiles
today josiah was playing on his surf mat and he is starting to focus a lot more. we got him to give us some good smiles for the camera. he even started to laugh slightly. oh and by the way if you haven't visited the site in a while, i've posted a lot recently so check out the previous pages...only 3 posts show up at a time on the front page. And don't be afraid to comment, josiah's been wondering if anyone out there is reading this!
Posted by
carter style
9:19 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
surfer boy
we had a baby shower last Saturday with people from Joel's work and Josiah got a lot cool stuff. here he is on the surfer board mat. it's pretty neat and even has water with floating fish for him to look at. as you can see in the pictures below Josiah thinks it's a ton of fun...he even fell asleep surfing on it.
Posted by
carter style
7:44 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
fall pics
we found a great place that had some beautiful fall colors in the trees so we snapped some quick pictures of all of us.
Posted by
carter style
6:01 PM
here are a few quick pictures that I snapped of Josiah this morning before heading out for some shopping.
Posted by
carter style
10:40 AM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
today was great fall weather so I took Josiah out for a couple picture on the porch swing. He is sporting his new jeans and fall tee. The jeans may be a bit too big still but they look cute!
Posted by
carter style
12:43 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
secret chats
Josiah begged to have his picture taken in his new tee from his girlfriend Aubrey. The caption on the tee is, "Up all night, sleep all day - don't worry I'll wake you too!" The other night I found out that he and Aubrey had been secretly talking and collaborated together to get up at the exact same time, same night with a goal in mind - to keep their mommy's up most of the night by refusing to go back to sleep. It may be a little too early for secret chats!
Posted by
carter style
3:45 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
random pictures
Here are some random pictures I took this afternoon. Josiah is sporting the new tee that he got from Collin and Beth. Hopefully he doesn't fulfill what the shirt says any time soon...so far he's been pretty easy to take care of. I think the last picture he's telling me he's tired of a camera in his face.
Posted by
carter style
2:00 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
the cutest baby ever...
Wow! He is the most beautiful baby ever!! Last week we had Josiah's picture taken by a friend. Below are some of them. There are a total of about 40 different ones. Let me know if you would like to preview them and order any for yourself. :)
Posted by
carter style
11:25 PM
Last weekend we traveled to Ohio for our trip to Cedar Point. Josiah did great on the ride there and back. It was much easier than I expected. The trip to Cedar Point was much more unusual than normal. We only were able to ride 4 coasters within a 12 hour period of time. Usually we are able to ride 12 coasters or more in a days visit. It just so happens that we chose the busiest day of the season and one of the top 5 busiest days in the existence of the park. A normal day is about 20-30 thousand attendees and last Saturday there were 56 thousand. I guess the only thing that mattered was riding the Top Thrill Dragster and we did accomplish that before the park closed. It was unbelievable!
Josiah spent the whole day on Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Hunt. He was spoiled all weekend and was held by everyone. He also had his first chiropractic adjustment and did great! Below is a picture with Grandpa and Grandma (sorry it's poor quality). Also, a picture of all his cousins.
Posted by
carter style
10:40 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
lack of sleep
Well, I guess I spoke too soon...last night Josiah wanted to pull an all nighter and stay up until 4:30 AM. I stayed up until then with him but then he got to spend some bonding time with Daddy from 4:30 until 7:00 am. They hung out on the couch together. Of course, now he's sound asleep...I think it's time for a diaper change and some awake time...I'm not staying up all night tonight. If he wants to pull another all nighter then he'll have to talk grandma or grandpa Hunt into hanging out. :)
We are all packed and ready to hit the road. Here's Josiah all dressed comfy for the trip in his new outfit from Grandma Carter.
Have a great weekend!
Posted by
carter style
10:07 AM