Wednesday, November 14, 2007

baby wise

so josiah really hasn't been on too much of a schedule until last week. i got the book babywise from a friend. numerous people have recommended it and say that it is the best thing ever! the main goal is to get your baby on a routine but yet still be flexible and fit into the parents lifestyle. none of this "child-centered parenting" where the child runs the parents schedule. the best part is we still go out and have fun with friends until all hours of the night or is that morning? the routine is feed, awake, nap. in that specific order is the key. so far it's working great. he's getting closer and closer to having every four hours feedings and he's doing good falling asleep on his own - in his crib. the last few nights he's been only waking up at 3:30 am and having one feeding. i've found that in the evenings he likes to just eat continually, so that's one thing we are working on. but other than that i would say it's working great and would recommend the book to anyone. lots of great tips and interesting concepts.

tonight joel and i sat on the couch with him and sang some songs and talked to him a lot...he really smiled big time and came close to laughing. i think it was the first time he really focused on the both of us. tomorrow we are going to do some research and find the best video camera - hopefully we will have it by the weekend and you'll soon be watching a lot more clips of him on here. time is gone by so fast - i've already got a few outfits that he has grown out of. i'm ready to have another one - yeah i'm crazy - but i'm ready to be pregnant again - maybe not have the baby - just be pregnant.


Unknown said...

All hours of the morning? You guys must be night owls.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that book. It was the best thing to read when I had Elayna. It really changed everything. The only thing I caution is that the schedule can begin to control you and the baby. Don't be as rigid with it as the book says. I've see some women really inconvenience everyone else just because their baby HAS to nap now or HAS to eat now. I used the methods of the book and it was wonderful. I'm glad it's working well for you. I recommend that book to people who are having a baby. My girls are still on a schedule... there is babywise II for toddlers. It is good to read to for everything from teaching them table manners to strict bed time. this is long enough... :) He is so cute!

Anonymous said...

yes - my friend also told me about the toddler one. i plan on reading that too. yes i totally agree, we like the schedule but plan on being flexible so that our lifestyle doesn't change :)


Anonymous said...

oh and i wonder what fools we are night owls with??


Anonymous said...

No joke. People said the baby would make us loose sleep. In actuality it’s the other way around. But all around it’s still tons of fun.