Monday, November 5, 2007


here are a few quick pictures that I snapped of Josiah this morning before heading out for some shopping.


Anonymous said...

He may be getting the "boy" from me, but he's got to be getting the "looks" from Sarah.


Anonymous said...

Awwww. That was a sweet comment from Dad.
He's cuter than any baby should possibly be.
He looks so much older sitting up on the couch. Bittersweet. :)


Anonymous said...

He looks so much more grown up. I'm so sad I won't get to see him until Christmas, but I'm sure glad you are taking all these pictures :)

Aunt Ashley

Anonymous said...

aww.... too cute -- when do i get to babysit?? we need a aunt bekah/josiah day :)

Anonymous said...

Name the day and you can spend it with him!