Thursday, November 8, 2007

big smiles

today josiah was playing on his surf mat and he is starting to focus a lot more. we got him to give us some good smiles for the camera. he even started to laugh slightly. oh and by the way if you haven't visited the site in a while, i've posted a lot recently so check out the previous pages...only 3 posts show up at a time on the front page. And don't be afraid to comment, josiah's been wondering if anyone out there is reading this!


Anonymous said...

Wow! So, Joel, what's it like to wake up in the morning, go into the nursery, and look at yourself? Every pic makes him look more and more like you. Pretty soon he'll refuse to wear anything but ironed diapers.

Anonymous said...

bw = gy

Anonymous said...

I love the smiles!