Thursday, October 25, 2007

secret chats

Josiah begged to have his picture taken in his new tee from his girlfriend Aubrey. The caption on the tee is, "Up all night, sleep all day - don't worry I'll wake you too!" The other night I found out that he and Aubrey had been secretly talking and collaborated together to get up at the exact same time, same night with a goal in mind - to keep their mommy's up most of the night by refusing to go back to sleep. It may be a little too early for secret chats!


Anonymous said...

Grammy's baby is definitely growing and looking so so cute!! Love Grammy

Anonymous said...

Aubrey was SO excited to see Carter! She's a little disappointed he ratted them out and told their secret! :)

Anonymous said...

ummm... so aubrey DID NOT SEE CARTER ON HERE... Your last name came out FIRST! Aubrey saw JOSIAH... Her mommy had a brain lapse!