Sunday, October 21, 2007


Last weekend we traveled to Ohio for our trip to Cedar Point. Josiah did great on the ride there and back. It was much easier than I expected. The trip to Cedar Point was much more unusual than normal. We only were able to ride 4 coasters within a 12 hour period of time. Usually we are able to ride 12 coasters or more in a days visit. It just so happens that we chose the busiest day of the season and one of the top 5 busiest days in the existence of the park. A normal day is about 20-30 thousand attendees and last Saturday there were 56 thousand. I guess the only thing that mattered was riding the Top Thrill Dragster and we did accomplish that before the park closed. It was unbelievable!
Josiah spent the whole day on Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Hunt. He was spoiled all weekend and was held by everyone. He also had his first chiropractic adjustment and did great! Below is a picture with Grandpa and Grandma (sorry it's poor quality). Also, a picture of all his cousins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandma and Grandpa??? Looks more like a very young Uncle and Aunt to me.