Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Josiah's frown-face

I love Sarah's frown.
It's intense.
Well, it looks like Josiah has inherited that from her.

It was Sunday morning, I was trying to play the Hokie-Pokie with Josiah and he was having nothing to do with it. The more I played with his legs, the deeper the frown became.



Anonymous said...

Greatest baby video footage. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see him watch this when he's 14! Priceless stuff. I'll be watching this all week. :( (that's my frowny face)

Betsy said...

Oh how sad...and funny! Be nice Joel!

Anonymous said...

I tell my girls all the time that I love their "cry" face. :) So cute. Dad's are so cruel...

Anonymous said...

do your friends actually have lives
or does everything only happen thru the computer?

Anonymous said...

Hey "anonymous",
Do you have any friends or do you just live for criticizing everyone elses?
I'm guessing "no" and "yes".