Wednesday, December 5, 2007

birth video

well, I finally talked Joel into making a video for Josiah's birth. some friends just had their baby and it made me miss being in the hospital. it was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do it all over again. enjoy the video!


Anonymous said...

Shaky hands and a cheap video camera. I couldn't help it! I wish we'd had our new camera then.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! So would it be crazy to say I got a little emotional watching this? What a great capture of the thrill of the experience. I can see now why Sarah says she misses it all. Amazing!
P.S. I'm convinced Sarah had a Mary Kay consultant in the room with her throughout the birth. NO ONE is supposed to look that good after having a baby.

Anonymous said...

Sarah - you do look beautiful and happy, but it still doesn't make me want to do it again... you go for it girl! :)