Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the box that contains the answer

Yes, inside this box is the answer to the question we've all been dying to it a boy or girl?

Now, you might ask how and why does this little brown box hold the answer? Two weeks ago we went to the Dr. for a routine checkup and talked with the ultrasound nurse about the possibility of finding out the sex of the baby. Since she was able to tell what we were having, we had her write down boy or girl and include the scan in an envelope that she then sealed shut.

We took that envelope to a store where we picked out a boy outfit and a girl outfit. The cashier was given the two outfits along with the envelope. We told her to open the envelope, ring up the correct outfit with our gift card as payment, put the envelope, receipt/gift card, and outfit in a box and we would come back later to pick it up. So now, a random stranger knows the answer and so does a little brown box sitting on our piano.

Our baby now has a coming home outfit creatively picked out by it's parents.


Anonymous said...

I love the idea. You two are very creative!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this idea... so very cute... I made Jeremy read it too. Love you guys! What an exciting world awaits you whatever the baby is!

ELThiele said...

That is so amazing! What a great idea! I can't believe you're so close! AAHHH!!! The nursery looks great too. I'm so happy for you guys!

Erin Thiele (Pridge)