Tuesday, September 4, 2007

the baby shower in ohio

A few weeks ago I traveled to Ohio for a baby shower given by my family. It was a fun and exciting trip. I was able to fly out of Springfield (which is usually unheard of) for a decent rate. I arrived just two hours after I left instead of the usual 10-11 hours later.

We spent Friday night visiting with family, friends, and preparing last minute details for the shower the following afternoon. The day of the shower we set up the designated area of the church and decorated it with colors pulled from my nursery decor. It was perfect. We added a unique touch to the shower...a quick slide show to display the nursery progress since most of the guests will not be able to travel down to Missouri.

There was a vast amount of food...three full tables worth. Crystal plates and punch cups were provided to eat and drink from. Although, my "china" was a plastic plate and sippy cup. Oh, and did I mention my aunts didn't think I could manage to keep my shirt clean without the help of a bib. They did fail to mention that I could not remove the sippy cup lid. The most extraordinary dish displayed was fresh fruits that were served out of a bowl made out of flower petals and ice. The cakes were delicious...since we do not know if we are having a boy or a girl...two cakes were required. An all chocolate decorated in blue for a boy, and a white with raspberry filling decorated in pink for a girl.

The party was amazing and it was very well planned and organized. Thank you to my mom and my aunts that made it all incredible. I couldn't have asked for anything more, it was more than I could have imagined. Also, thank you for all those family and friends that attended...now, if I could only get all these thank you notes mailed out before the baby arrives!

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