Thursday, January 10, 2008

josiah making some noise!

Last week Josiah started to really make some noise. Here is a quick video of him. The first half of the video is of him "talking" and the second half is of him during play time. He is doing great at holding his head up!


Anonymous said...

He was hilarious that day. Nothing wrong with him but kept doing that scream-coo. We are so used to him as a quiet child it took some getting used to.

Anonymous said...

Grammie said, Josiah looks adorable but I wonder what Chick thought about Josiah being on the floor while he was on the couch.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!! So cute. On the first half my favorite part was the very last clip of his "scream-coo." Didn't think he could hit that octave!
My favorite on the second part is him trying to get his rear to roll. Ha ha! So cute!! I also love when he can't hold his head up anymore. There is no gradual dropping of the head. Oh no. It just falls. So funny.